One of the biggest barriers that stops really good coaches from having a streamlined, stress free business is that they have a big headache when it comes to tying all of the online software together.
Whether it's simply using Calendly to book in your coaching sessions, or figuring out how to hook up your website to your email list, there are a lot of “classic” tech issues that coaches don't even want to think about… and that we tend to have a lot of resistance to actually doing.
The problem is the opportunity-cost of not spending the time and effort required to get these pieces set up is enormous.
In other words, any effort we put into marketing our business or getting our names out there ends up backfiring because we don't have an email list setup that automatically guarantees that qualified potential clients will book themselves into our coaching calendars.
So here's my proposition.
Let my team – specifically the superstar VA on my team – take care of all of this for you.
When you join Never Ending Stream Of Clients today, you'll get three full months of access to my superstar virtual assistant, who will either take care of the tech for you or show you exactly how to do everything.
Click. By. Click.
With this practical guidance along with my explicit step by step instructions on how to build your Never Ending Stream Of Clients funnel, your success is pretty much inevitable.
Keep your business simple and profitable by letting my team take care of the complicated tech stuff: