How Rich Coaches Think Sun, 20 Oct 2024 19:16:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Rich Coaches Think 32 32 Your Big WHY vs. Your Niche Tue, 15 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 I recently hired an excellent coach to guide me through Simon Sinek’s process to ‘Find Your Why’. If you haven’t already, it’s definitely worth checking out his Youtube talk or reading the bestselling book, “Start With Why”. After completing the process, and coming up with a rock-solid WHY statement for myself, that completely fits all […]

The post Your Big WHY vs. Your Niche appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

I recently hired an excellent coach to guide me through Simon Sinek’s process to ‘Find Your Why’. If you haven’t already, it’s definitely worth checking out his Youtube talk or reading the bestselling book, “Start With Why”.

After completing the process, and coming up with a rock-solid WHY statement for myself, that completely fits all my life experience up to this point, I realised something that might be helpful to you:

Most coaches get their ‘WHY’ completely mixed up, enmeshed and entangled with their coaching ‘niche’… and then often struggle to come up with a niche at all, and instead offer a vague value proposition, like ‘change your life’.

Having personally supported hundreds (maybe thousands at this point?) of coaches to uncover their ‘perfect’ niche, I can safely say, this does not work.

It’s wonderful to uncover your ‘Why’ – who you are at your natural best. I’ve found it to be empowering, motivating and it gives me a clear filter I can use to make certain life decisions.

And, if you want to build a coaching business, in practical terms, it’s even more important to uncover your ‘niche’ – who you work with and the specific result you support them to achieve. In my experience, this one realisation makes everything else in your business fall in place.

Your marketing practically writes itself. Your ads, website pages, emails, product names, coaching programs, all take on a life of their own, and flow effortlessly from your mind and into the world.

This does NOT happen if you know your ‘why’ but don’t know your niche. It DOES happen if you know your niche, but haven’t articulated your ‘why’.

Your ‘Why’ is for you. Your ‘niche’ is for your coaching business and the people you serve.

Do some coaches get away without having a niche at all?


But they usually fall into one of two categories: celebrity or old-school coach with long-standing client base.

If you’re a celebrity, contact me and I’ll show you how to maximize the benefit of your fan base, for your coaching business.

On the other hand, if you’re very experienced at coaching, and have some kind of lead source that consistently grows your list and brings your clients, then you *might* be able to get away without a niche. I’ve seen some coaches do it – but they tend to be people with a long-standing client base spanning decades, who started as professional coaches, before coaching was even considered as ‘profession’. To the most part, they’re coach-trainers who receive leads from the coaching school they train for, and although they haven’t articulated it, many of their clients also tend to be ‘coaches’ who want to grow their practices.

The problem is, the more the coaching market becomes saturated with new “Instagram Coaches” popping up every day, the more and more rare the option of not having a niche becomes.

What I recommend, if you’re unclear about whether your niche is rock-solid, is to reply to me with your niche statement, summarised in one sentence. The less wordy it is, the better. It should include two crystal clear things:

  1. Your Audience – who you serve, in a way that’s instantly identifiable.

  2. What goal or specific result you help them achieve.

A pretty good template for your Niche Statement might be:

I support [audience] to [result].

Here are some examples from my own Rich Coach Mastermind participants:

“I support overweight moms to get their pre-pregnancy body back.”
“I support dads to improve their parenting and connection with their kids.”
“I support business owners to increase profit and free up their time.”

You get the idea.

Write a draft niche statement as best you can, reply to this email with it, and I’ll give it a look and let you know what I think.

When you’ve nailed it you’ll get a sense of:

“Ah, that’s it. Of course! I can totally do that and it will totally work!”

At that point, growing your email list and creating a Never Ending Stream Of Clients is a piece of cake.

As for your big “WHY” statement – that’s outside of my wheelhouse for now I’m afraid. Maybe ask Simon Sinek or read his book to help you discover it. (For now, I’m just delighted to have uncovered mine!).

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The absolute innocence of war mongering politicians Fri, 11 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 The last few weeks I’ve sent a handful of emails that seemed to wake up the sleeping giant of my email list. Some people sent in excellent feedback… but many were clearly offended. My favourite response to one titled “Death Coaches For Kamala” (a play on words, due to a “life coaches for Kamala” conference […]

The post The absolute innocence of war mongering politicians appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

The last few weeks I’ve sent a handful of emails that seemed to wake up the sleeping giant of my email list.

Some people sent in excellent feedback… but many were clearly offended.

My favourite response to one titled “Death Coaches For Kamala” (a play on words, due to a “life coaches for Kamala” conference I won’t be attending), was this gem:

“Is this really you or did someone hack your email?!”

The truthful answer?


It’s true that I wrote the emails, but it was without my True Self’s guidance, wisdom, grace and insight, which seemed to be present when I wrote better pieces such as my book, “Inside the Soul of Islam”, or some of my other more transformative writings.

Let me go beyond identity politics and self-righteous indignation, for a moment of truth and share why I believe that despite my (foolish) name-calling of certain politicians, I actually have a tremendous amount of compassion, understanding and love for them. I have no personal judgement of them whatsoever.

Even the ones who have been directly responsible for mass-murder over the last year (or more).

In fact, on a deeper level, I believe them to actually be completely innocent. (Let alone the people who vote for them).

I’m going to explain how they’re ‘absolutely innocent’, and my hope is that by seeing another view point, it might help you (and me) to drop any illusory negative thinking about the state of the world today. And maybe even raise our collective consciousness.

Let’s start here, for clarity: I do not believe them to be innocent of their crimes, or in a moral or ethical sense. Although, I’m in no position to judge them. That would be the role of actual judges, such as the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court. And ultimately, it’s the role of the only One who’s in a true position to pass any judgement, which I call, “Allah”, the All-aware Source of life itself.

The biggest mistake I made in a previous email was a PS that stated, “I do judge you for voting for XYZ instead of ABC…” That was a tongue-in-cheek comment, much like I take the micky out of Liverpool FC supporters. But, it didn’t read that way to everyone. My bad.

And it’s not really true. When my mind slips into that level of judgment, I’ve stepped out of the role of ‘coach’, and more importantly, outside of the space of presence and truth, which ironically, I support clients to find all day long.

What I mean by ‘innocence’ here, is absolute psychological innocence.

When a man kills 100 innocent victims, there are in fact, 101 innocent victims.

Those who were killed and the one whose thinking was so deeply entrenched in the Psychological Illusion that it actually seemed like such a good idea to do the killing, that he followed through with it.

This is, by definition, “insanity”.

And the insane are absolutely innocent.

They were innocently underestimating and misusing the greatest power a human being has: Thought.

As for the politicians who enable such terrorists and the public who vote for them: each one is in a separate thought-generated reality, and when intentionally or complacently harming others, it comes from the exact same innocent misunderstanding as the terrorist in question.

In fact, it comes from the exact same innocent misunderstanding I fall into every time I watch or read the news and go on to experience feelings of self-righteous indignation upon seeing the headlines.

The illusion I fall for is this: “I’m so angry and frustrated at the tyrants and so sorry for the people who are literal victims. If they would just stop doing this, and if they would instead just do that, then…”

Then what?

I would feel better?

Do you see what I’m saying here? I’ve been falling for the exact same illusion as the war-mongering politicians:

“If my opponents would just… XYZ, then we could all be and feel… ABC”

“If we get rid of the terrorists, then we’ll be safe and secure.”

“If the occupation ends, then people will be safe, secure, happy and prosperous.”

Of course, on the outside, we don’t support any of these terrible crimes. But that’s not the point.

As a Sufi Master once said:

“The true believer has no enemies outside of his or her self (ego)…”

When feelings of anger, insecurity and fear are behind our ideas, decisions and ideologies (or in my case: email articles!), and when we pretend we’ll feel better when those ideas are enacted… then we’re the ones being crazy.

Like, war-mongering politician crazy.

I fall for it too.

But thank God I’ve been blessed to find a way out of it: an objective way of knowing when I’m the crazy one, and of self-correcting.

Before I share the insight that’s helped me the most, here’s another way I like to think about innocence:

In classical Sufi thought, anyone who engages in harmful behaviour is considered to have “diseases” of the heart.

Think about that.

Have you ever ‘blamed’ someone for being sick, catching a cold or having a terrible physical disease?

Of course not!

Yet, when it comes to the formless psyche (the soul), we see the behaviour that we don’t like and we immediately go for judgment and blame. Well, apparently I do. Sometimes.

If there is one thing that has been a doorway for me, out of the insanity and back to my True, Highest self, it has been knowing this fact:

My feelings are all ‘me’, they’re a reflection of my momentary state of mind, my thought in that moment. They’re not a reflection of the state of the world.

This instantly returns me to clarity, grace, and compassion for all the victims. Politicians included.

If you’re a coach and you’re already fully aware that the only way to raise the consciousness of humanity is to raise your own… and now you’re ready to share your message with the world, by building a coaching business, here’s the system I use to build mine: 

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How to answer ‘what do you do?’ Wed, 09 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Ever since I started my coaching business way back in 2009, I would get tripped up by the most simple question: “What do you do?” I read some cheesy answers that were popular in coaching books back then like: “I make miracles happen in your life” or “I make your dreams come true”. I’m not […]

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Ever since I started my coaching business way back in 2009, I would get tripped up by the most simple question:

“What do you do?”

I read some cheesy answers that were popular in coaching books back then like: “I make miracles happen in your life” or “I make your dreams come true”. I’m not sure I ever had the audacity to say those types of things in the real world.

Maybe because it was too cringe-worthy… or maybe that was my inner-wisdom kicking in and saving me from embarrassment.

Instead I would either try to describe it:

“I’m an NLP-based coach, with training in generating rapid results for clients.”

Or, I would name my profession as “coaching”, then start justifying it, explaining, educating and answering questions when the other person didn’t understand what coaching is or why anyone would pay for it.

In all cases, this NEVER lead to clients. At least, not clients that would pay a serious amount of money for my services.

It wasn’t until I took to a serious study of marketing that I realise that when people ask this, they don’t really care about the techniques, philosophy, methods or approach you use… what they really want to know is the answer to 4 questions.

When you answer these 4 questions succinctly, they’ll instantly ‘get’ what you do, and they’ll know you can help them… or instantly be able to think of people they can refer to you.

  1. Who you work with

  2. What their biggest problem is

  3. What you do with them (logistically)

  4. The result you help them get

If you can answer all 4 questions in one or 2 sentences, you’re golden.

And, you can actually skip number 3 and most people will still be satisfied… or you can make it lead into your Intro Session.


Longer Version:
“I work with mums who have been struggling to lose weight to get their pre-pregnant body back by taking them through my 1-to-1 Fit Mum Breakthrough Session process.”

Short version:
I help overweight mums get their lean, athletic, pre-pregnancy body back.

Another Example:

“I show solo-entrepreneurs how to use AI to double their impact and income while saving a ton of time and team expenses.”

(The problem in this example is implied: not enough impact and income and too much time and money spent on business).

Chances are, at this point, the cogs are turning and you’re wondering how you can apply this and tailor it to your coaching service. And chances are, unless you already have crystal clarity on exactly who you serve, their goals and challenges… your answer will become super-wordy and messy.

Instead of figuring it all out by yourself, jump into the Never Ending Stream Of Clients program TODAY, and I’ll figure it out for you, 1-to-1 in a private session… I guarantee I can nail it for you in ONE sentence that you LOVE.

You’ll be filled with inspiration and motivation and you’ll probably want to shout it from the roof tops.

This is the stuff client-attraction is made of.

Here’s where to get started working with me:

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Death Coaches for Kamala Tue, 08 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 One year of Jean-O-Side later and the Democrats are still supporting baby killer Kamala, hey? Jeesh. I guess it’s hard for the Dem leadership to see where the red line is… when they’re already so far deep down in the pits of Hell. I recently received an email invite to an event called, “Coaches for […]

The post Death Coaches for Kamala appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

One year of Jean-O-Side later and the Democrats are still supporting baby killer Kamala, hey?


I guess it’s hard for the Dem leadership to see where the red line is… when they’re already so far deep down in the pits of Hell.

I recently received an email invite to an event called, “Coaches for Kamala”.

Errrm, no thanks.

I’ll take my extensively ICF accredited coaching skills to a group that doesn’t support mass death & destruction, thanks.

And I know, my poor American subscribers are kept up at night worried about the other guy winning.

I’ll tell you what my spiritual teacher once told me:

Don’t vote with your head. Vote with your heart.

Don’t vote against who you don’t want the least. Vote for who you actually want the most.

Don’t vote the lesser of two evils. Vote for someone who’s not actually evil!


Last election in the UK, I voted the Green Party.

If you’re truly a democrat, then surely you should vote for the ONLY party in American politics that doesn’t accept bribes from multi-national lobby groups and foreign governments like Israel. (ie. the Greens with Jill Stein & Dr. Butch Ware)

The other folks aren’t looking out for your interests. They’re looking out for the ones paying them millions in ‘donations’ and always will.

And I’m much the same way.

As much as I may take your ‘vote’ into account as a subscriber and I may serve you to some extent… the people who I’m really rooting for are the ones paying me.

They’re the folks I write copy for, review their funnels, make sure their opt-in page will convert, refine their niche for them and review their webinar.

With me 100% in their corner, it’s a sure thing they’re going to win.

Yep… I guess you could say, you can buy my attention & service as a marketing consultant, in much the same way as AIPAC bought out Kamala.

Here’s the link for ‘donations’:

The post Death Coaches for Kamala appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

The Bruce Lee method for getting clients Mon, 07 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 One of the hardest things to do in any endeavour is to learn the fundamentals from an expert… then invest the tremendous amount of time, effort and energy mastering those fundamentals. It’s easy to prance around the online marketing world learning 50 different ‘hacks’, tricks, techniques, methods and systems for getting clients. It’s hard to […]

The post The Bruce Lee method for getting clients appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

One of the hardest things to do in any endeavour is to learn the fundamentals from an expert… then invest the tremendous amount of time, effort and energy mastering those fundamentals.

It’s easy to prance around the online marketing world learning 50 different ‘hacks’, tricks, techniques, methods and systems for getting clients.

It’s hard to find one that resonates for you, that works for your business, and then stick with it over the lifetime of your business.

But, that’s the way millions are made.

The same is true in all sports, music, arts, science, philosophy… and you guessed it… martial arts.

The true masters are the ones who stick to the fundamentals and repeat them over and over and over, after everyone else got bored and went home.

As the great Bruce Lee said:

“I do not fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

When it comes to growing your coaching business, there are millions of ‘moves’ you could make. But you only really need one way that works.

In the most simple terms, there are a grand total of steps you need to ‘master’ if you want a steady flow of clients:

  1. Traffic: Get people to your website somehow, whether via in-person networking or online advertising and everything in between.
  2. Website: Turn that flow of people coming to your website into potential clients by inviting them to subscribe to your email list
  3. Webinar: Or some other gift they opt-in for. Ideally a video or audio based ‘gift’ that gives new subscribers a sense of your energy and style and shows them you know your stuff
  4. Breakthrough: Turn the new subscribers into introductory coaching sessions scheduled in your calendar
  5. Emails: Or videos, or blog posts, or audios, or whatever. Some way of keeping yourself top of mind by creating value every day and inviting them back into your world and ideally buying your product, or booking the Breakthrough Session.

Do these 5 things and you’ll find new clients joining your program every week.

Skip any one of these steps and you’ll always have a ‘feast and famine’ situation in your coaching business and you won’t be able to count on the income from coaching the same way you can with a j-o-b.

To start the journey of mastering the fundamentals, you can find my Shaolin Temple on the other side of the internet:

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Still trying to figure out your niche? Fri, 04 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 I remember when I was starting my coaching business, I went round and round in circles trying to figure out which niche was most ‘me’. Was I meant to be a leadership coach, or fitness? Should I have multiple niches? How about relationships? Can’t I just be a “mindset” coach? The truth is, I didn’t […]

The post Still trying to figure out your niche? appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

I remember when I was starting my coaching business, I went round and round in circles trying to figure out which niche was most ‘me’.

Was I meant to be a leadership coach, or fitness?

Should I have multiple niches?

How about relationships?

Can’t I just be a “mindset” coach?

The truth is, I didn’t know what I was doing and the more I tried figuring it out alone, the more lost I became. Each time I tried ‘going for it’ with a niche I randomly decided on, I got more and more insecure, until the point that I dropped it and started again.

If this sounds familiar to you and you want to know exactly how to overcome this once and for all… get on Zoom with me and let me figure it out for you.

It usually takes me about 10-15 minutes of probing, before I find something that totally lights you up, feels easy and doable, and has a real viable market of people who you can market your services to.

Sound good?

Here’s the link to apply for a 1-to-1 “Perfect Niche” session with me – tick the “become a coach and grow my business” box and I’ll try and get you in next week:

The post Still trying to figure out your niche? appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

Why You Should Start Getting Clients Right Now Thu, 03 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Maybe you know that you “should” take my training to learn how to get a steady stream of coaching clients, but you’re thinking you’ll get started with it… later. What’s the cost to you of doing it that way? By my estimation, doing that loses you many tens of thousands, per month that you delay getting […]

The post Why You Should Start Getting Clients Right Now appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

Maybe you know that you “should” take my training to learn how to get a steady stream of coaching clients, but you’re thinking you’ll get started with it… later.

What’s the cost to you of doing it that way?

By my estimation, doing that loses you many tens of thousands, per month that you delay getting started.

How did I figure that one out?

Two words:

Opportunity. Cost.

Look at it this way: How much will your coaching business bring in, when it’s full of clients?

$10,000 per month?

$20,000 per month?


Let’s go with $10K per month (for example, 20 clients, each paying $500 per month to work with you).

Each and every month you delay getting started, you’re pushing that total regular, recurring monthly income away by an extra month.

Let’s say it takes you six months to study my whole “Never Ending Stream Of Clients” program, implement it, and start signing up one new client per week, so that by the end of the six months, you have 20 clients.

Sure, it could happen a lot faster (I got 20 coaching clients in my first month, using what I teach in the program), but let’s be very conservative. Let’s assume you do 3 introductory coaching sessions per week and sign up just one client each week at $500 per month (again, conservative if you use this system) and it takes you six months to reach a full practice of 20 clients.

If you delay getting started by six months, it’ll be… 12 months before you reach that target income, instead of 6 months.

That’s $60,000 of wasted time and missing income that you’ll never get back.

Think about it – if the IRS or HMRC gave you a $2,000 bill and told you it would cost $10,000 each month that you don’t pay up… how long would you wait to pay it?

That’s why I recommend you don’t procrastinate or delay.

Getting started is the hardest part.

As the old adage goes:

You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start, to be great.

Dive into studying and implementing my 5 step client-getting system right now in exactly the way I detail on this page, and see how fast you can make it happen.

The sooner you take action, and build the system that brings you clients, the sooner you’ll have the coaching business (and income!) of your dreams.

Here’s where to get started (today!):

The post Why You Should Start Getting Clients Right Now appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

The Un-Prosperous Coach Wed, 02 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 There’s a great book by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler called, “The Prosperous Coach”. The problem is, many coaches who read it and get super inspired, are decidedly “UN-prosperous”. What gives? The problem isn’t the overall philosophy or “vibe” the book gives you. It’s totally inspiring. The problem is… Vibes don’t become clients. Yep. I […]

The post The Un-Prosperous Coach appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

There’s a great book by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler called, “The Prosperous Coach”.

The problem is, many coaches who read it and get super inspired, are decidedly “UN-prosperous”.

What gives?

The problem isn’t the overall philosophy or “vibe” the book gives you. It’s totally inspiring. The problem is…

Vibes don’t become clients.

Yep. I said it. As much as this may contradict the “Secret” or whatever, it’s true.

If those ‘vibes’ don’t translate into a system to get clients coming in… you won’t be a prosperous coach. And with all due respect, the client-getting system given in the book is… non-existent.

At some point they mention having 1-to-1 sessions with people for free. But with very vague and intangible advice on how to actually turn those sessions into clients, consistently and reliably.

Instead, there’s a sense of “if your coaching is really powerful and really impactful, they’ll sign up. And refer people to you.”

I call B.S.

I’ve done over 2,000 introductory coaching session for myself and for several multi-7-figure coaching companies.

And I can tell you straight up, if you have a system to follow, then not only can you get ‘free sessions’ much more consistently and reliably, but you’ll convert those sessions into clients very consistently and reliably too.

You won’t have to depend on being in a great mental state every day.

You won’t have to depend on having the ‘most powerful, impactful’ coaching session ever (and then doubting your effectiveness as a coach when someone doesn’t sign up).

Remember, as the great management guru Peter Drucker said about business:

“It’s NEVER a personal problem. It’s ALWAYS a systems problem.”

In fact, when you use my approach, you can deliver a standard, mediocre coaching session, that requires virtually no effort or thought on your part, other than just showing up, being present and following the system as it’s laid out – which becomes VERY easy after you do it a few times – and “Boom!”. Clients will sign up more often than not, consistently.

So what’s the system that DOES work to turn those vibes into clients?

This one’s worked for me and all my students to bring in clients like clockwork, all year round:

The post The Un-Prosperous Coach appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

I refused to coach this guy… Tue, 01 Oct 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Recently I was talking with an ‘amateur’ coach who wanted support on how to grow his business. (Amateur, as in, didn’t yet have a paying client). After a 30 minute, ‘pure’ coaching session, where I asked questions that lead him to having a few insights, it became blindingly obvious to me that this guy was […]

The post I refused to coach this guy… appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

Recently I was talking with an ‘amateur’ coach who wanted support on how to grow his business. (Amateur, as in, didn’t yet have a paying client).

After a 30 minute, ‘pure’ coaching session, where I asked questions that lead him to having a few insights, it became blindingly obvious to me that this guy was a super-smart, successful entrepreneur with a track record of a very successful business outside of coaching… but he absolutely no clue how to get people to want to hire him as a life coach.

The reason he was stuck (little did he know at the time) is that he was too much ‘into’ coaching.

In other words, he had bought into the total BS that many top coaches out there believe and teach about running a coaching business and ‘attracting’ clients. And because he’s a good student, he read all their books, went through their programs, and unwittingly adopted their limiting beliefs about getting clients.

Here are some of the classics he had fallen for:

  • If I give people an ‘experience’ of coaching, they’ll want more and hire me
  • If I create enough value up front for free, people will want to pay for more coaching
  • I’ve been told I’m so good at coaching that I should charge double or triple than I’m currently comfortable with (even though he didn’t have anyone paying him yet).
  • If the client didn’t sign up, it’s because the session wasn’t powerful enough. Maybe I should give them more free sessions until they’re ready
  • The type of coaching I do changes all areas of a person’s life, so it doesn’t feel right to narrow myself down to one ‘niche’ or group of people who want one specific goal. That would be incongruent.
  • “Coach So and So” signs up clients using magical language and questions and hypnotic phrases – maybe I need more training so I can do that too.

My response?

I told him that I didn’t want to coach him on these issues.

Heck I could ask ‘open coaching questions’ framed around the outcome of ‘getting clients’ all day long… but he had been receiving that for YEARS from other coaches.

And bottom line – as long as he believes some of this non-sense, it’s going to take about 10x longer for him to see through it and 20x longer to actually start getting clients.

Instead, I offered to be his ‘consultant’ or ‘Commander in Chief’ or straight up “Dictator” for the next couple of sessions. (In other words, NOT his professional coach!)

I told him that, with all due respect, I could tell him exactly how to get clients, with zero hoping or wishing and zero doubt, without worrying at all about how ‘powerful’ or ‘impactful’ his coaching is.

Instead, I would tell him exactly where to go and exactly what to do and say to get people practically begging to hire him as their ‘life coach’.

Want to know what I told him?

It’s the exact same thing I’ve taught to hundreds of coaches over the years, many of whom are now 6 and even 7 figure coaches.

A few of my clients followed these teachings to ramp up to 6-figures of coaching income within less than a year, and many replaced their jobs and are able to just work a few hours a week as a coach.

Anything is possible, when you solve the ‘getting clients’ problem.

What were these magical teachings I gave them all to get clients lining up around the block?

They’re all available in a condensed form, broken down into 5 specific steps, which I call the “Never Ending Stream Of Clients” system. I’ve been using it for years myself, as do all my clients.

You can read all the details on the 5 steps to get you plenty of clients, here:

The post I refused to coach this guy… appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

[Last Day]: The Professional Coach – available free today Wed, 21 Aug 2024 19:00:00 +0000 Today is the final day to grab a complimentary Kindle copy of “The Professional Coach”, the new book by my friend, Melinda Cohan:  Melinda’s journey is a beacon of hope for all coaches. She transitioned from treating her coaching as a hobby to becoming an “amateur,” and then quickly made the leap to achieving […]

The post [Last Day]: The Professional Coach – available free today appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.

Today is the final day to grab a complimentary Kindle copy of “The Professional Coach”, the new book by my friend, Melinda Cohan: 

Melinda’s journey is a beacon of hope for all coaches. She transitioned from treating her coaching as a hobby to becoming an “amateur,” and then quickly made the leap to achieving professional success. (Her company is now in the multi-7 figures and growing!)

And her new book outlines that path for every coach who is ready to make that leap to becoming a truly “Professional Coach”, too.

You’ll discover:

  • Melinda’s counterintuitive, fill-in-the-blank strategy for attracting high-paying clients. It’s simpler than you think with this approach!
  • How to create a 6-figure coaching business without working 60-hour weeks, using her Seven Success Systems Roadmap…
  • Why “charging what you’re worth” is the worst advice in the industry (and what to do instead)…
  • How to price coaching packages that virtually sell themselves with The Money Matrix…
  • The “bunny slipper” situation that could be sabotaging your coaching business – and what to do about it if you want to “go pro” as a coach…
  • How to avoid the “success at any cost” mindset that can destroy your business from the inside – THIS is the true hidden advantage that helped Melinda build a sustainable business that she truly loves!
  • The 27-word sentence that magnetizes success, repels self-doubt, and creates unwavering commitment to your business (just say it to yourself each morning)…
  • How to fuel your growth and prevent burnout with a baseline self-care plan that protects your joy and boosts your energy…
  • How to use the Overflow Principle to give more to your clients while working less…
  • …and much, much more!

It’s time to step up and become the best version of yourself and give your clients the experience of working with a truly “Professional Coach”.

By that I don’t just mean one that has lots of certifications and accolades – but someone who is truly worth every penny of the high-end fees that you’ll be charging for your professional coaching services.

Today’s the last day to get “The Professional Coach” free on Kindle:

The post [Last Day]: The Professional Coach – available free today appeared first on How Rich Coaches Think.
