A few years ago, I took the dive and invested $2,000 in Jeanna Gabilini's program “5 Star Clients”.
She has a fun, unique way of teaching and the underlying essence of her philosophy is:
Get In Flow.
If it doesn't feel fun, easy, light and in-flow, it's not going to work for you any where near as much as the “marketing gurus” tell you it will.
You can use the cut-and-paste emails, opt-in pages and sales pages that are “guaranteed” to work… but if it feels “off” to you… it'll feel off-key to your ideal clients.
Instead, by asking you great questions, she has a way “unlocking” the flow of high-vibe, inspirational energy that turns everything you touch – from emails to website pages – into high-value, client-attracting GOLD.
When I interveiwed her for “How Rich Coaches Think” she summarised it like this:
If it feels fun and easy, roll with it and it will end up being your most profitable move.
If it feels overwhelming and worrying… drop it.
Come back to it later if you feel inspired… if not, follow the inspiration and flow.
As my good friend and Rich Coach, Tiamo once said:
Money Follows JOY!
Jeanna's program is simple, easy to follow and is filled with cool, fun ‘prompts' that get you back into the flow and are designed to keep you there each day.
You can read all the details here: