When I first heard the idea that there are certain ‘magic words' that you can say to a potential client that makes them automatically take out their credit card and hire you on the spot, I thought it was a load of baloney.
Internet marketing hype.
It couldn't possibly be true… could it?!
Then, being a sucker for great marketing, I had to find out for myself.
Even back then, I knew I was born to be a coach. My life had already been transformed by my coach and I wanted the honour of being able to do that for other people… but I had NO clients and no real hope or prospect of making enough money to do this full-time.
The ironic thing is, even though I couldn't ‘sell' my coaching, back then I was working in a call centre in Barcelona, doing out-bound sales. (Ya know, the people who call your phone and you instantly hang up on them). I hated that job, but I was good at it and it was the only way to make ends meet until I could get my coaching up and running.
So, I gave it a shot.
I joined the program that was on offer and then, at the next opportunity, I used the ‘magic phrases' on the very next potential client I spoke with…
…And it WORKED!
The guy signed up to 6 months of coaching right then and there on the spot!
I was over the moon!
I got paid £500 in cash, on the spot! (Which was a lot to me back then).
And it happened on my very first call.
That was the moment I KNEW that I would never have to ‘work' again. This wasn't even ‘sales'. It was a regular coaching session, with a few ‘magic phrases' peppered throughout.
Speaking of which, if you want to know the ‘Perfect Words' that fully engages and resonates with your ideal clients, to create a deep bond, so that it's easy to get them to say ‘yes' to your coaching and sign them up, then check this out: